As many as possible!

What countries do you want to visit?

Now I love to holiday, and this year I have ticked one of the top places on my list to visit, Italy! There is so much food, culture, food, art and did I mention the food.

Having visited Rome for a long weekend back in March I would love to go back and explore other areas, Tuscany, Venice as well as Pompei just to name a few but it’s going to have to wait until at least next year now.

The next top place I would love to visit is Scotland, now as a Brit living in central(ish) England I know most people are going to say “Just Go!” and I would love to, but when you and your partner work, your children have school and sports commitments, planning to take any trip is like a military operation of coordinating diaries. And when I do manage to get a date that is mutually convenient, to the best of my ability and without incurring fines for taking the children out of school, the prospect of a trip up to Scotland is a lot less appealing to the others than going off to Disney Land Paris, Rome, or Majorca, the past and only 3 trips abroad I have done in the last 13 years, and only 1 of those with the children, can you guess which one? 😀

If you can’t tell from the above, we’re no strangers to staycations, and over the last 12 years we have enjoyed holidaying across the English coastline, the Lake District, the Brecon Beacons in Wales or The New Forest, but now the children are getting older and can appreciate being in another culture we’re working on seeing more of the world together, before they get too old and just want to hang out with their friends.

I want to plan a long road trip to take in some of Germany, Beligum and on to visit some of my distant cousins in Austria, heading back home via France and Spain. But budgets and annual leave balances are making it look unlikely to happen in this decade, so it looks like the odd weekend or week here or there will have to suffice for now, bring on the first family beach holiday to Lanzarote in the summer holidays!!!!!

Where in the world would you recommend visiting?

G x


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