Granny’s Cake Tins

What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily?

I’ve had the misfortune in the last year to have lost the last of my grandparents however that does mean that I’ve had several items passed on to me.

I hate the thought of something ending up in landfill so a lot of the kitchen equipment was absorbed into my own cupboards.

I’ve been lucky enough to have acquired the cake tins my Gran used for the cake business she ran for pin money back in the 60s and 70s. I’ve also got a cake stand, for the afternoon teas the children and I make together, that belonged to my Great Gran, and likely dates back to the 1920s which is definitely something I don’t allow anyone else to carry, just in case.

I have also inherited some books that were gifted to my great great uncle with a personalised note written in it dated 1916, though those sit on the bookshelf safe from children’s sticky fingers.

G x


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