Time with the job or is that time with myself?

Daily writing prompt
Who do you spend the most time with?

I think at the moment my most meaningful relationship is currently with my laptop, if I’m not busy with the day job, then I’m using the machine to stream lectures, if I’m not studying then I’m working on my future posts, and then just for fun while I’m on a brain break I’m browsing Amazon for the next book(s) to add to my TBR pile.

Now I love my family and I enjoy spending time with them but in the 24 hours of the day I get perhaps 3 hours with the ones I love but the other 21 hours I’m either sleeping, well attempting to, or I’m attached to the technology for one reason or another.

Typing things like this gives me time to reflect on the life I’m living at the moment. I’ve also tried to start some new habits in June, and one of those is to diconnect from phone and laptop by 9pm. I’m one week in and I’ve only managed it once so far ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Send me positive vibes that I’ll manage it tonight, I’m not hopeful as I’m going to the eldest’s football presentation.

Oh well tomorrow is another day ๐Ÿ™‚

G x


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